The Aurum Vale

The Aurum Vale

Level 47


Coerthas Central Highlands (X:14, Y:35)

Going for Gold

Soon after its discovery, miners from across the realm flocked to the Aurum Vale, driven by rumors that deep within lay endless veins of mythril. What they found instead was gold, but not the sort which would make them rich. Believing the substance precious aurum, miners unknowingly stumbled into deep pools of glowing venom thereafter known as goldbile. Not only did the liquid burn their skin, but the noisome fumes given off by the foul ooze cooked their lungs when inhaled, bringing on a quick, yet excruciating death. These truths, however, have done little to prevent new miners from braving the suffocating shafts, now even more driven to find what those who entered before could not.  



Locksmith, the first boss of The Aurum Vale, is a gigantic Ochu with challenging mechanics that will test the healing abilities of the party. Along the sides of the arena, Morbol Fruit will grow. Locksmith will cast a debuff called Gold Lung on the party, which cannot be cleansed by Esuna. To remove this debuff, players must interact with the Morbol Fruit. It is important to avoid having more than 2 stacks of Gold Lung as it will increase the damage taken. After interacting with a fruit, it will disappear but will respawn over time. The boss has several abilities including Hundred Lashings, a melee attack that deals moderate to high damage, Gold Rush, an instant ability that places a damage over time debuff called Gold Lung on all players (this debuff can be removed by consuming a Morbol Fruit), and Gold Dust, a circular AoE spell that appears under a random player and deals moderate damage to all players hit. Tanks may need to stun Locksmith in order to click on the Morbol Fruit and remove the debuff stacks without being interrupted.


Coincounter is a giant cyclops boss with powerful front AoE attacks, swipe cleave abilities, and a room-wide AoE lightning mechanic. In Patch 5.3, orange ground indicators were added to all of the boss' AoEs, but later occurrences of this boss remain un-telegraphed. It is still beneficial to learn the visual tells of the boss' attacks. Non-tank players should always avoid the front of the boss as Coincounter has two types of 100-Tonze Swipe cleaves. The first type is identified when he holds his mace with only one hand, resulting in a frontal cone AoE attack. The second type is identified when he holds his mace with two hands, resulting in a circular AoE attack that deals significant damage to all nearby targets. The 100-Tonze Swipe attack can be stunned or interrupted. When Coincounter reaches about half of his HP, he will start using Eye of the Beholder, a long-range frontal cone AoE spell. Ranged damage dealers and healers should spread apart and avoid his Glower and Eye of the Beholder abilities if possible. Coincounter has several abilities, including 10-Tonze Swipe, 100-Tonze Swipe (1 Hand), 100-Tonze Swing (2 Hand), Glower, and Eye of the Beholder. 10-Tonze Swipe is an instant frontal AoE attack, while 100-Tonze Swipe (1 Hand) is a frontal cone AoE attack. 100-Tonze Swing (2 Hand) is a circular AoE attack that deals a massive amount of damage to nearby targets. Glower is a laser fired from Coincounter's eye onto a random player, causing moderate damage and inflicting the Paralysis debuff. Eye of the Beholder is a partial donut AoE spell that inflicts moderate damage and a DoT called Electrocution. Coincounter will face a random player before using this spell, and there are safe spots behind the boss and close in. The 100-Tonze Swipe, 100-Tonze Swing, and Eye of the Beholder abilities can be interrupted with stuns.

Miser's Mistress

The initial phase of this boss encounter closely resembles the first boss, yet it diverges in two crucial aspects. Firstly, the Mistress's stacking debuff inflicts direct damage instead of a damage-over-time effect. Secondly, the fruits employed to eliminate this debuff do not reappear nearly as swiftly. Consequently, players must accumulate 3, or potentially 4 (if the healer can manage), stacks before consuming the fruit on each occasion. Transitioning to the second phase can prove to be intricate, contingent upon the composition of DPS within the group. Adversaries previously encountered as ordinary enemies in the instance, the Morbal 'Fruit' (beware, as these transform into Morbol Seedlings unless swiftly slain!), will commence spawning. While akin to the earlier trash mobs, they will now administer the debuff through their standard attacks. Allowing too many to materialize and persist could result in wiping the entire group. Employing area-of-effect DPS works optimally for their swift eradication, necessitating a prompt response. DPS members must alternate their focus between the additional foes and the boss to conclude the battle expeditiously, ideally before the healer exhausts their mana reserves.
